
PADI Advanced köfunarnámskeið

Byrjaðu næsta kafla á þínum köfunarferli

Adventures in Diving

At DIVE.IS we offer the PADI Adventures in Diving Program which usually takes two days.
In this program you will work closely with our instructors to learn the skills and theory necessary to dive safely and have fun doing it. You will develop your current skills as a diver to practise planning and executing dives up to 30m depth with a buddy.

After successful completion you will be a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver, which certifies you to dive to 30m with a buddy anywhere in the world. This is a lifetime certification and is recognized by any reputable dive centre. You can also use your Adventure Dives to credit towards the corresponding Specialty Course.

The PADI Adventures in Diving Program is a flexible and modular course. You will complete two mandatory dives:

  • Deep Adventure Dive
  • Underwater Navigation Adventure Dive

You then have the freedom to choose three of the elective Adventure Dives, though we recommend some of these:

  • Dry Suit Adventure Dive
  • Night Adventure Dive (seasonal)
  • Digital Underwater Photography Adventure Dive
  • Peak Performance Buoyancy Adventure Dive
  • Naturalist Adventure Dive

You will complete these modules through independent study and open water training sessions. You will work with your instructor in advance to determine the Adventure Dives to be completed.

Certified PADI Advanced Open Water Divers can:

  • Plan, organize and execute dives with a certified buddy.
  • Take excursion and training dives at dive centres and resorts around the world.
  • Receive air fills for scuba cylinders.
  • Register and participate in the PADI Rescue Diver Course.
  • Register and participate in selected PADI Specialty Courses.
  • Gain credit for Adventure Dives completed to the corresponding Specialty Course
  • Register in and participate in the PADI Scuba Review.

Gott að Vita – Good to Know

  • Many of the most sought-after dive sites in the world require experience in advanced diving techniques, such as deep, wreck, drift or night diving.
  • The Peak Performance Buoyancy Adventure Dive is one of the most popular electives in the Adventures in Diving Course.

Note: Union Grants and Other Benefits

Most unions in Iceland subsidize a part of the course fee for their members. We encourage you to find out your rights within your union.

If you are a high school or university student, the course may provide a certain number of credits that you can use towards your degree.

Former DIVE.IS students who have completed their Advanced Open Water course with us receive a 50% discount on all diving day tours from Reykjavík.

Andrzej Panasiuk 27.04.2021
I'm still excited after my dive weekend

I'm still excited after my dive weekend. All of two days were AMAZING. Special thanks for Thomas - yours company have to be proud to have instructor like him :) Was a pleasure to had a Sæomi as my diving buddy.
I'm going to join Diving club as fast as possible. For sure see you next time.

DIVE.IS is rated No. 1 of all 500 Tours from Reykjavík

Nánar um köfunarnámskeiðið

  • March to October, weather conditions permitting.

  • The course requires a minimum of 2 students. The course runs on a maximum ratio of 4 students to one instructor.

Frá ISK 120.000


  • PADI Advanced Open Water eLearning Manual
  • Knowledge Development review with your PADI Instructor
  • Four Open Water Dives over two days
  • Certification fee
  • Equipment Rental

Course details

Four dives over one weekend
Day 1: Two dives with their associated Knowledge Development sessions
Day 2: Two dives with their associated Knowledge Development sessions

Union Grants and Other Benefits

  • Most unions in Iceland subsidize a part of the course fee for their members. We encourage you to find out your rights within your union.
  • If you are a high school or university student, the course may provide a certain number of credits that you can use towards your degree.
    -Former DIVE.IS students who have completed their Advanced Open Water course with us receive a 50% discount on all diving day tours from Reykjavík.

Advanced Diver Course

Flest stéttarfélög greiða námskeiðið að hluti til, við hvetjum þig til að kanna þín réttindi.
Þetta námskeið er ekki staðfest fyrr en tveir þátttakendur skrá sig. Um leið og það gerist sendum við greiðslutengil til þess að klára greiðslu.

  • visa.png
  • mastercard.png

Safety requirements

  • certified as PADI Open Water Diver or equivalent

  • be at least 18 years of age

  • be physically fit

  • be able to communicate in English

  • not be pregnant

  • complete a PADI Medical Statement

Experience the course

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